We are thrilled that COVID numbers continue to improve! The light at the end of the tunnel is getting closer and closer, but we are not there quite yet. We are, however, ready to move forward, especially in light of the new recommendations that have come from the CDC.

At the same time, we acknowledge that we are all in different places when it comes to feeling safe in the midst of a pandemic. We are excited that in May, we were able to successfully reopen Sunday Morning worship and this past Sunday we opened our doors to small groups that wanted to meet back in the building. Things are heading in the right direction…..but we feel that it is prudent to continue reopening the church in a phased approach. 

Phase One

Begins no earlier than June 20th. This phase will start when the state positivity rate is under 3.0 for two weeks.

In this phase we will no longer:

  • Have to enter through specific doors. All major doors to the church will be open. Sign-ins will still be required, but the doors will no longer be manned by a protocol team member. 
  • Wear masks when we are seated in our pods. We will continue to have social distancing, but people in the same pod may sit together without masks on. If you are moving around the building or singing (except for choir leaders) please do still wear masks. Children have not been able to get the vaccine and we want to make young families feel comfortable in our space. 
  • Restrict eating together indoors as long as you are socially distanced from one another. 

Phase 2

This phase will start when the state positivity rate is under 2.0 for two weeks.
In this phase we will no longer:

  • Require social distancing. We will keep a section in the balcony open for the most vulnerable among us so that they do have a safe space. 
  • Wear masks in small groups IF the group comes to a consensus that all are comfortable doing so. 
  • Require social distancing in small groups or Sunday School classes that meet within the doors of the church. 
  • Require social distancing when eating together. 

Phase 3

This phase will start when the state positivity rate is under 1.5 for two weeks.  
In this phase, we will go back to pre pandemic church and will no longer require masks or social distancing. This day is coming! 

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