It is not safe for us to gather on Sunday mornings in the sanctuary due to the Coronavirus Pandemic. Yet, there are other ways we can connect for fellowship and worship that pose less risk. The Gather Summer Series is a weekly set of discussion questions and worship guide for you to enjoy in small gatherings of 10 or less, with other church members, or even neighbors. Participate in any way you feel comfortable, whether that be gathering via Zoom, around the fire pit in your backyard, or in your driveway.

Please carefully review Tabernacle’s Hospitality Covenant before gathering. We want to make sure we are protecting our families and community while we connect.

Do church with others.


Gather with the family of God.

Discussion Question + Worship Guide

Week of August 30th, 2020
Theme: worship

Opening Prayer

Scripture Reading
Colossians 3:15-17

Holy Conversation
What does “worship” mean to you? What different kinds of experiences of worship have you had?

Share a moment or season in your life when you were transformed by a specific experience of worship.


Prayers of the People
What is the Holy Spirit stirring in your heart and life this week?
How can we pray for one another, those we love, and our world?

Pray together, closing with the Lord’s Prayer

As a benediction, sing or say aloud together the doxology:

Praise God from whom all blessing flow
Praise God all creatures here, below
Praise God above ye heavenly host
Creator, Christ, and Holy Ghost