Tabernacle Baptist Church has worshipped and served in this urban neighborhood for over 130 years. God has blessed us immeasurably through each chapter of our existence and the revival we are currently experiencing is nothing short of miraculous. We are a diverse lot. A third of us have worshipped and served together for decades. Another third has come along over the course of the last decade and just as many of us have only been active in the life of the church for two years or less. We are thriving.
The common thread that binds us together is one of calling. We are conscious in our efforts to embrace those that come into the doors of the church and every bit as conscious as we see God sending them out the same doors to share Christ’s love in the world.
Denominational and local ecumenical leaders have described us as a re-emerging downtown church brimming with creative energy and a heart for those in need. We tend to view ourselves as “the little church that could.” We hope you will take a moment to read our statement of welcome and join us for worship on Sunday morning at 11:00 a.m. Of course, you are also more than welcome to join us any Sunday via our livestream. We are confident that you will meet God here in a most unexpected way.
Looking forward to seeing you soon.
Grace and Peace,
Sterling W. Severns