Call Stories: Kate & Miriam, Part 2

For the next few weeks on Thursdays, we will be sharing a series of podcasts about the call stories of our pastoral staff.

We’re starting with Miriam Kennedy and Kate Clatterbuck, our pastoral interns from this summer! We are so glad that they were here with us for the last few months, and grateful for all of their contributions to the life of Tabernacle. Listen as they discuss their experiences in the Church, growing up with mothers working as ministers, and what ministry means to them.

Call Stories: Kate & Miriam, Part 1

For the next few weeks on Thursdays, we will be sharing a series of podcasts about the call stories of our pastoral staff.

We’re starting with Miriam Kennedy and Kate Clatterbuck, our pastoral interns from this summer! We are so glad that they were here with us for the last few months, and grateful for all of their contributions to the life of Tabernacle. Listen as they discuss their experiences in the Church, growing up with mothers working as ministers, and what ministry means to them.

Tabernacle Stories: Rev. Meg Lacy (04/18/18)

“So many times . . . I was just so unsure of if God was even with us. Is God even here? . . . [But] I do think there is something about calling, and about trusting the people around you to see and to believe when you can’t see and believe. That’s sort of the story of the disciples, right? We have these Gospels, these accounts of what Jesus was up to and that we somehow, by faith, trust them, even when we can’t see. I think, sometimes, we have the gospel story of people around us, being able to see in our lives or in others what we can’t see at the time. A friend of mine likes to use the phrase: ‘They keep the light for us.’ They tend the light when we can’t” (Rev. Meg Lacy). 

Each spring, we invite members of our church to share stories of their journey of faith. We believe it’s important to share these stories to point to God’s presence in our lives, all along the way. These story-sharing sessions have been incredibly meaningful, and have provided a wonderful way to get to know one another better. This series will meet in the fellowship hall from 6:00pm to 7:00pm on Wednesday evenings. Tabernacle Stories begins on April 11th and will continue until May 16th.

This session was recorded on April 18, 2018 with our associate pastor, Rev. Meg Lacy. We hope you enjoy listening to her wonderful reflections on her life, calling, and ministry. We are grateful for her witness to God’s love and grace among us, and to all those who have come before who have nurtured her in faith and ministry.

We hope you will join us for one of our upcoming TBC Stories sessions:

Upcoming Sessions:
May 9th – Jacque Green
May 16th – TBA

Tabernacle Stories: Kathy McGraw (05/01/18)

“No one else sees the world the way you do, so no one else can tell the stories that you have to tell” (Charles de Lint). 

Each spring, we invite members of our church to share stories of their journey of faith. We believe it’s important to share these stories to point to God’s presence in our lives, all along the way. These story-sharing sessions have been incredibly meaningful, and have provided a wonderful way to get to know one another better. This series will meet in the fellowship hall from 6:00pm to 7:00pm on Wednesday evenings. Tabernacle Stories begins on April 11th and will continue until May 16th.

We hope you will join us for one of our upcoming TBC Story sessions:

Upcoming Sessions:
May 9th – Jacque Green
May 16th – TBA

Tabernacle Stories: Katye Snipes (04/25/18)

“No one else sees the world the way you do, so no one else can tell the stories that you have to tell” (Charles de Lint). 

Each spring, we invite members of our church to share stories of their journey of faith. We believe it’s important to share these stories to point to God’s presence in our lives, all along the way. These story-sharing sessions have been incredibly meaningful, and have provided a wonderful way to get to know one another better. This series will meet in the fellowship hall from 6:00pm to 7:00pm on Wednesday evenings. Tabernacle Stories begins on April 11th and will continue until May 16th.

We hope you will join us for one of our upcoming TBC Story sessions:

Upcoming Sessions:
May 2nd – Kathy McGraw
May 9th – Jacque Green
May 16th – TBA