Tabernacle Stories: Kathryn Hall (03/29/17)

“I was the kid growing up who would always see the kid sitting alone in the corner and go sit with them . . . . We are made in the image of god. That’s all of us, that’s not just me. That’s the person who I don’t want to look at, or that’s the person that others don’t want to be around. Well, I should be around that person even more, because that is the image of God” (Kathryn Hall).

This six-week series centers on the theme of “testimony.” Each week, we will invite one or two people from our congregation to share stories about their spiritual journeys and where they have seen God at work in their lives. We will have time to ask questions and explore together how God is moving among us at Tabernacle and in the world. This series will meet in the fellowship hall from 6:00pm to 7:00pm on Wednesday evenings. Tabernacle Stories begins on March 22nd and will continue until May 17th.

This week we welcome Kathryn Hall, a long-time member and active member of the deacon board. We are grateful for her willingness to be vulnerable, to share her story, and to give testimony to God’s presence in her life and among us at Tabernacle.