Realizing Our God-Sized Vision

It’s a long-lasting, hard-working machine!  The Carrier air conditioning system that has provided comfort for our congregation in the Sanctuary over the years was installed in the spring of 1958.  Now it is loud when you start it up, and it takes a special hand to repair it.  But it is still meeting our needs!  The TBC Construction & Renovation Committee has prioritized its replacement because repairs are increasingly difficult to complete and the certainty of being able to repair it is more doubtful.   The fact that it is still running is a blessing—one that we are quite grateful for!

In 1958 the congregation debated whether to add air conditioning to the Sanctuary and the Williams Building.  The Williams building was officially opened on 11/25/1956, and air conditioning had not been included in the original plans.  As recorded in The First Hundred Years/A History of the Tabernacle Baptist Church of Richmond, Virginia (pages 150-151):
“In the spring of 1958 the church Sanctuary and educational building were equipped with air-conditioning to make them more comfortable during the summer months.  Mr. J. Harwood Cochrane, deacon and member of the Air-conditioning Committee, very graciously offered an interest-free loan for this purpose, to be repaid within a five-year period.  Cost of the air-conditioning for the two installations was approximately $36,000.00.  The Board of Deacons presented to Mr. Cochrane a Resolution, expressing to him the love and affection of the church for his generous loan without interest.  [This is but one of numerous instances in which Tabernacle Church and the Baptist denomination as a whole have been blessed through the continuing generosities of a devoted Christian couple and loyal members of Tabernacle—J. Harwood and Louise B. Cochrane.]

The then new air-conditioning unit for the Sanctuary was installed in a room off of the balcony.  The entry doorway to that room today is too small to remove the equipment.  Part of the plan for the 2016 installation is to modify the size of the doorway to accommodate getting the existing system out, then refinishing the doorway carpentry to match the balcony woodwork once the new system is in place.

Take a look at the attached photo of this 1958 Carrier unit to get a sens
e of what our ‘antique’ Sanctuary air conditioning unit looks like (and this isn’t all of it)!  Does it remind you of a big motor?
The bidding process for the new Sanctuary system has been completed.  The contract process for the installation is in process.  We expect to have the job completed by the end of October 2016, assuming that all of the contract steps and equipment orders follow the expected time lines, at a cost of around $140,000.  The TBC Construction & Renovation Committee will continue to provide updates on this exciting endeavor.

Thank you for your continued prayers and financial support for Realizing Our God-Sized Vision!



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