Hello all. Heres our plan for Saturday. 

11:00 – 1:30 p.m. Youth help with Fan Feast

1:30-2:30 Youth will hang out in the youth room

2:30 some of the youth will opt to head home while others will go to see Justice League at Bowtie. 

Sterling and Laura will drive kids to the movie theater in the church van. Chaperones will sit on the other side of the theater from the youth to give them some space. 

3:30. Justice League Starts. Previews will take a while and the movie lasts about 120 minutes. 

5:50.  Group heads back to the Church. 

6:00.  Parents, try to get to church on time to pick-up your kids. 

Sterling will purchase tickets ($8.50) tonight for: Hazel, Preston, Wade, Brynne, Cole, Sarala, and Grace. Have heard from some parents but still waiting to hear from others. More than happy to order a second round of tickets. I’m a little fearful the tickets will sell out as it’s opening weekend. 

  • Please let me know if you want me to purchase tickets for your youth. 


NEXT OUTING: Many thanks to SaraAnne and Heather for organizing our next Youth Event. The Christmas Party will take place directly after the Christmas in the Fan Concert on Dec. 17. Thank you, Crislip for hosting! 


YOUTH MINISTER UPDATE: The Deacons will vote to approve the Youth Minister Job Description on Sunday. We’ll present it to the church for a vote on Dec. 3rd. I’m hoping to start advertising the position on Dec. 4th. I think it’s possible we’ll have somebody in place in January or February. 



We need to get schedule a meeting with Youth Parents, Youth, and Youth Mentors. The main purpose of the meeting would be to schedule some outings for the youth to spend time together in the winter, and nail down our summer camp plan. I think it’s important for us to hear the youth out. That said, I’m guessing we’ll hear lots of different thoughts and will need to find a good balance of events. Please mark your calendars to join us the morning of Nov. 26, during the SS Hour. Ideally, we’d like at least one parent from your family to join the meeting. 



We would love to have a circle of 5-7 folks to serve on a youth team to coordinate youth activities and help to setup our new Youth Minister for success. Would love to hear your thoughts on the make-up of the team and recommendations for folks to serve. I think it would be a good idea to ask 2 youth to serve on the committee. What do you think?

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