Without fail, the arrival of Fall brings with it heightened activity in most aspects of life.  It is certainly true of life here at TBC!  Full-swing is almost an understatement… and it’s all good.

The Associate Pastor Search Committee did not take a break all summer, and have, with much deliberation, brought to us their highest recommended candidate.  April Kennedy, chairperson, and team: Nathan Hatfield, Brenda Gradwell, Brang Ja Mahka, Burdette Robinson, Monica Iang and Kathryn Hall are to be thanked for their extraordinary diligence and for a task of service well-done.

A strong church body doesn’t exist without strong leadership.  As we look toward the up-coming church year, we seek your prayers and discernment for those among us who will step up and assume roles in the various positions, committees and teams that comprise TBC leadership.  You will each soon be asked to consider where your own gifts can be best utilized as well as those among us whom you would recommend to serve in key leader roles.

During a recent meeting, the Deacon Board received excellent instruction and suggestions from our very own hospital chaplain, Jeff Walton, regarding Do’s and Don’ts of Making Hospital Visits.  Thank you, Jeff, for sharing your expertise from your own experiences.

Church staffing needs continue to be front and center on our agenda.  Most pressing are the urgent needs for our youth and children’s ministries.  Prayers for God’s leading in these matters are of utmost importance.

A team is being formed to bring to our church family recommendations for a church-wide marriage and marriage enrichment process.  Here again, your prayers are coveted for the formation of the team and working together toward this sensitive and urgent need.

The Tabernacle Child Care Center report is an addition to this report.  Please note new developments and the first steps in the search for replacing our beloved Frances Thrift upon her retirement at the end of this year.

It has long been our tradition to provide and distribute Christmas Baskets to individuals and families in our areas of contact and awareness of need.  The baskets are provided by contributions ($50 per basket) within our church family and distributed by our own efforts.  This year’s delivery date is Wednesday, December 20th.  This does not happen without enormous effort from a team of leaders and volunteers.  In the near future, you will receive additional information on this annual event and learn of ways to assist in this love gift to our neighbors.

Respectfully submitted,

Jerry Jones

Chairman, TBC Board of Deacons

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