Hello TCCC & TBC Family!

We are reaching out to you all today in hopes of keeping everyone in our
community up to date on the progress of the formal search for the new TCCC
Director, and to also engage our core network in the search itself. First,
we would like to let you know who is currently working to make the match
for our next TCCC Director. The team consists of 3 church members, 3
center members, and 1 hybrid member. We are all very dedicated to finding
the strongest and most experienced match for the position. We align on
values, agree on need, and are actively taking on tasks and objectives
related to the search. Our ultimate goal over the weeks and months ahead
is to make our current Director Frances Thrift’s transition to retirement
a smooth one, while we search for a new TCCC Director who will continue
the highly-valued care that TCCC provides for its children and their

  – Search Committee (Voting Members): Jonathan Barton, Annie Miller,
Beth Wright, David Brown, Kristen White, Melissa Hoban, Katye Snipes
  – Process & Committee Support Partners (Non-Voting Members): Donna
Soyars & Kathy Allen (TCCC Ministry & Administrative Committees)
  – Additional Support and Committee Partners (Non-Voting): Rev. Sterling
Severns (Pastor, Tabernacle Baptist Church) & Jerry Jones (Chair, TBC
Board of Deacons)

As we work to inform and notify the communities we (individuals listed
above) are all involved with the position and the details of the role, we
are asking each of you to thoughtfully share the information we are
providing to you today. We are actively working to reach viable candidates
and new network(s) and network members who will be progressive and
positive partners to us in our search.

Please reach out to our team via email
(DirectorSearchTeam@tbcrichmond.org) if you have any questions moving
forward, and THANK YOU all for your support as we move forward.

Below, you find the job posting and job description. Please feel free to distribute to
your own networks as we work to reach the best applicants!

In Kindness,

Jonathan, Annie, Beth, Katye, David, Melissa, & Kristen


Click here to View the TCCC Director Job Posting 

Click here to view the TCCC Director Job Description

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