Greetings, my sisters and brothers in Christ! 

I hope this finds each of you well. I understand I’m very late to write to you this but better late than never, right? I want to say thank you to you for my time at Tabernacle as the Pastoral Intern for the youth from September, 2015 to May, 2017. First, I would like to acknowledge the fact that you raised me up to lead the youth because of that, I could lead the youth group that I was once in. Tabernacle is “home” for me because of you. I am thankful and grateful for the youth leaders and mentors that came before me; I won’t name them all. But they have shaped my life in a way that I could not expect when I first came to Tabernacle.  


To the congregation: I cannot thank you enough for your love, support, encouragement and kindness you gave me as a pastoral staff. Thank you for allowing me to lead you and showing me what it means to be a minister not just to the youth but the whole congregation. Since the first day I stepped into Tabernacle back in 2009, you always welcome me with open arms and show me what it means to share the love that Christ has given to others. Kudos to you for raising me right! Thank you for allowing me to minister you by giving me opportunity to share sermon and communion with you. You have shown me what it means to welcome everyone at the table. 

To the youth parents and team: I don’t know how you let me the teenagers. For that, I will always be grateful and thankful to you because it takes a lot of courage, trust and faith. You supported me since day one as I led the youth. Not only you allowed me to minister the youth but also to you as well. I could not have done it without you. I know there were times I might have let you down, but you picked me up and encouraged me be a leader to the youth. Your support, love and patient meant the world to me. Thank you for trusting and having faith in me as I led the youth. 

To the youth: I do not know where to begin but we, indeed are wonderfully weird and for that I’m thankful. Though I was to lead and teach you, I think you have taught me more than I could have ever imagine. You welcome whoever enters the youth room with opened arms and always make a place for them at the table. I do not have enough words to describe how much you have impacted my life to be a leader and minister. Keep supporting and encouraging one another as you have done. Know that you matter, are loved and worth so much. Thank you for trusting in me as I led and ministered you. I LOVE each and everyone of you. Though I may not be your youth leader, do know that I am still here for you and I am one of your biggest fans. May our God watches over your head and blesses you. 

Words cannot describe enough how grateful and thankful for being a Pastoral Intern for the Youth. The Tabernacle is HOME and I give thanks to God for that. 

Your brother in Christ, 

Samuel Lian 

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