Many thanks to you for welcoming me warmly into your spiritual home! This has been the most exciting week of my life: the sound of sweet baby coos in the nursery, the sight of our life stories stitched together overhead in the sanctuary (wow, what a sight to behold!), the smell of scrumptious Chinese food at my Welcome Luncheon, and the sense of “Who Am I?” as the children asked insightful questions: Would you rather be invisible or fly?

My friends, I would fly! I would fly into the sky, and live among the fluffy white clouds, shining stars, and vibrant rainbows. I would soar like an eagle knowing that the Lord sustains me daily. I would simply flap my fragile butterfly wings and reach out to the heavens from whence cometh my help. As I begin my special time as Children’s Minister at Richmond’s Tabernacle Baptist Church, would you join me in this magic carpet ride? A whole new world awaits us. Gladness. Wonder. Purpose. Faith. Like that of a child.

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