This semester, I’ve had the opportunity to work with the music and youth ministries at Tabernacle in addition to many other areas of ministry throughout the fall.  My internship began when I preached on September 1, 2013.  September was a busy month, as our students and teachers settled into our fall routine, which we kicked off with our first “DNow” weekend.  Our youth spent the weekend in the homes of the Hoffpauir and Hartman families with their mentors, studying the bible, getting to know each other, and having fun!  Much of the end of my summer and the beginning of my fall was spent coordinating and planning for this event with the youth team, mentors, and Sterling.  I’m always amazed at the insight and willingness to learn and growth together that our youth show each and every day, and our DNow weekend was no exception.  In helping to facilitate Wednesday night DGroup with our middle schoolers and Kate Ayers, I saw our younger youth build relationships with one another, ask good and engaging questions in bible study, laugh, and share their joys and concerns as they committed to pray for one another. 

Judy Fiske, my supervisor, Ron Simmons, and my site team provided me with feedback and encouragement as I conducted anthems in rehearsal and in the service with our sanctuary choir.  I’ve conducted a choir once before in my life (usually I’ve taught band), so it was a learning experience for me, but by the time we began preparing pieces for our Bruton Parish concert and I took a break from conducting to sing again, I felt more comfortable and confident in my ability to lead and conduct.  I’m looking forward to conducting more anthems in the spring and continuing to learn with Judy and the pastoral staff about worship planning!  We are so blessed to have such wonderful musicians who are willing to guide and teach among us!

The second half of my semester, I turned my focus to growing as a minister in providing good care to church members in many different areas.  One of the highlights of my time at TBC has been visiting with members, both in church and outside throughout the week.  This summer and fall semester, I visited weekly with one of our own members who is now in hospice care and shared stories with her about what was going on at the church.  The youth made her cards, which brought a smile to her face, and she often told me how wonderful it was to hear the church she loves so dearly thriving.  My visits with her and many of you have me strongly considering chaplaincy with senior adults in an assisted living facility as a possibility when I graduate.  I enjoyed getting to build relationships with each of you as we chopped vegetables in the kitchen before Christmas in the Fan, sang at Bruton Parish and in choir rehearsals each Wednesday night, ate together and shared meals, went trick-or-treating, worshipped, planned, and learned together.  This time was extremely valuable for me and helped affirm my call and stretch me as I learned from and with you all.  As we look toward another semester together, I’m excited to continue learning and ministering alongside you as we listen to the Spirit’s leading and continue to follow as we are led.  Thank you for your continued guidance, challenge, and support!


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