I have almost completed my second month of my internship as a part-time pastoral intern. I will admit that making the shift from a full-time intern to a part-time one was harder than I was expecting. I take this hard, difficult transition as a positive, though- to me it is an affirmation that I am where I am supposed to be, doing what I am called by God to do. I enjoy being a minister, and look forward to continuing my journey along this path over the rest of this school year.

These days, my life is a balance between work at Tabernacle and school. My duties right now as an intern look much different than they did 2 months ago. This was expected, as I transitioned from full-time to part-time. Dan is serving as my supervisor since at this point in my ministry calling I am thinking about Associate Pastor ministry. Dan and I worked together to create my job description and to find things that speak to my passions and things that stretch me in new ways. For example, one thing that I have not done before is to create and lead a Sunday School series for adults. This fall I will be doing that as we transition from Ordinary Time into the Advent season. I will also be working on ways to provide resources for family-based spiritual formation in the home. The point of this internship is for me to find ways to become a minister not just in the eyes of the church, but in my own eyes as well. The goals that I have set for this internship are a mixture of spiritual, relational, and personal goals, but ones that are important for me as I continue to form and assume my ministerial identity.

I would also like to introduce you to my site team: Heather Rose (chair), Bill and Jean Finley, Kathryn Hall (secretary), Nathan Hatfield, and Laura Jones. These six people meet with me once a month to discuss the progress on my goals, provide both constructive and affirmative feedback, and serve as guides and mentors through my internship. They are a wonderful mixture of individuals with varying roles in the church. I am grateful to them for their commitment as we work together through the rest of this school year.

I am excited to continue to minister in this wonderful place I call home. While finding the balance between work and school has its challenges at times, I consider myself very lucky to be in a congregation that loves to equip students for ministry. It’s going to be a wonderful year, and I cannot wait to see what it brings.

Grace and peace,

Kristen Koger

Pastoral Intern, Fall 2014

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