Our Vision campaign officially started in February 2014, and your commitments to date have made it possible for us to move forward with our construction plans.  Beginning in the first quarter of 2015 you will see construction begin in our basement area.  Our Construction & Renovation team members are working currently to secure the building permits needed to get the work started that will address some air conditioning needs and slight space changes.

As a reminder, meeting the financial commitments that you have made is key to realizing our Vision.  If your commitment was over a period of time, please honor the commitment time frame that you indicated.   If you need to change the time line or want to change the amount of your commitment, you may do so at any time by contacting the Financial Secretary.

For anyone who is new to Tabernacle and/or wants to make a new commitment, you can obtain a commitment card by contacting our Financial Secretary.  We do not disclose individual contribution amounts for any commitments that you make.  Only the Financial Secretary is aware of amounts that are given for this campaign.

Anyone can make a special contribution to the campaign to recognize a special person or special event in your life.  Donations remain anonymous unless you prefer that the special recognition donation be announced to the congregation.

Methods of Payment

Please submit all Vision payments in the unique Vision Envelopes provided.  Vision envelopes are located in our ministry foyer if you do not have these special envelopes available at home.  Vision envelopes may be placed in the offering plate or mailed to the church to the attention of the Financial Secretary.  Please do not use the Vision Campaign mailbox for your payments.

If you have made a financial commitment and have not received your Vision envelopes, please contact the church office.  Our special Vision envelopes were mailed by the Financial Secretary to those who made a financial commitment as part of our campaign, with the number of envelopes based on the frequency of payment indicated on your commitment card.

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