Hello, friends.

I was thrilled to share with you last year about my employment with Dream Catchers Therapeutic Riding Center in Williamsburg, VA. Since then I have entertained many questions and much encouragement from you all, and I appreciate that. This work does not involve my personal horses, nor is it located on my property. The Dream Catchers barn in Williamsburg, VA offers services to special needs individuals to improve their quality of life while they battle physical, emotional and developmental needs. We do this by providing evidence-based therapeutic riding, equine assisted activities and advancing effective practices through professional education and research.

Annually, the students have the opportunity to exhibit the skills they have achieved over the past year by performing in our “Catch A Dream” horse show. This is the one time that all instructors, volunteers, students and their extended family have the opportunity to join together to celebrate  accomplishments. I am hoping that some of you might have an opportunity to attend the horse show, (after church service, of course) and help cheer our students on. I have made available on our events page and Facebook information about the show and have also included information on how you can sponsor a team or if inclined, make a small contribution to this amazing event. I truly hope to see you there.

For more information about the Catch A Dream Horse Show on Sunday, March 3, click here.

If you’re interested in information about becoming a sponsor, click here.

One thought on “Members on Mission: Kathy McGraw

  1. Hi Kathy – I’d love to talk with you about a new equine therapy program we recently started not far from Richmond to help foster children struggling with depression, anxiety, PTSD, suicidality etc. If this sounds of interest, please reach at cfrei@foxmoonfarm.org. Thanks 🙂

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