Mission is the fundamental reality of our Christian life together at Tabernacle Baptist Church. We are Christian because God has called us to work collectively for the fulfillment of God’s purpose for humanity. In other words, our local church, as a part of the larger universal Church, has been given the task of sharing in God’s mission to the world, which results in many diverse social ministries. By combining mission education, unique partnerships, and hands-on service to our neighborhood, country and world, Tabernacle seeks to “take the whole gospel to the whole person”, as was demonstrated by Jesus’ ministry on earth. This means that the spiritual, physical, and social well-being of all those we encounter is always at the forefront of our minds. The faithful use of our time, talents, resources, and very lives in community are central to our commitment to share in God’s mission. As a result, we form relationships as we serve together which proclaim the life-giving and life-changing message of Christ.