Can you even begin to imagine how many thousands of lives have experienced the transformational presence of Jesus Christ in, and through, Tabernacle Baptist Church over these last 130 years?  

God’s goodness to this congregation is cause for deep gratitude and abiding joy. Sunday, November 26, is Christ the King Sunday. We will give thanks for another year of life and ministry together and celebrate an “offering of financial commitmentsfor the upcoming year.

Will you take time to pray about your financial participation in what God will do in and through Tabernacle in the year ahead? And as an expression of your intention, will you please complete an online commitment form indicating your financial participation for 2018?  Your information will remain confidential. You may also print a hardcopy (click here)

Some of the highlights of this last year include: 

    • Creation of a Statement of Welcome, through a process of respectful and prayerful dialogue. The model we created together will be used by sister congregations in the years ahead.  
    • Relocation of family members to remote regions of the world for the purposes of sharing the Gospel, sending multiple teams to NYC to serve in Hell’s Kitchen, supporting refugees in our community, and the feeding of hundreds of our immediate neighbors in need. 
    • The equipping and sending of both Rev. Kristen Koger, our Pastoral Resident, and Samuel Lian, our Youth Ministry Intern. We also welcomed Jacque Green, our beloved Pastoral Intern, into our midst.
    • Our worship themes centered on openness to God’s leadership and an openness to others. God helped us to “make the road by walking” and guided us to make space “for everyone born….a place at the table”. We have “looked backward” to see God at work through the imperfect lives our fore-bearers so that we might “walk forward” in faith with an understanding that our work isn’t finished yet. 


Let’s take this moment as an opportunity to affirm God’s transformational work, each and every week, inside and outside our buildings. Let’s all dig deep as Tabernacle once again finds itself in an exciting season of saying yes to whatever God has for us. And let’s give with a spirit of gratitude and in humble expectation of what God is going to do next. Thank you for all that you mean to this congregation, and to the gospel of Christ. 


Sterling W. Severns


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Click here to fill out the online form

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