The Prelude portion of worship on the Sabbath is a time spent at the beginning of the day deliberately reminding yourself of the presence of God in your life and preparing to spend the day celebrating and enjoying that presence.

You could choose to do this in many different ways. Some people will spend time in prayer, some will read and reflect on the scripture passages for the day, some will take a walk outside paying close attention to the beauty of creation all around them, some will listen to music, some may choose to engage in a small creative project. There are numerous ways to turn your heart and mind toward acknowledging the presence of God. These activities are personal and for many people private. 

God calls us into personal relationship, but God also calls us into a communal relationship with others who are worshiping each Sabbath. If you would like to participate in a communal preparation for worship on the Sabbath, the resources for this are found in this space. You may join this Livestream experience of preparation for the Sabbath at any time between 8:00 AM and 9:30 AM to prepare silently with others in our congregation for worship on the Sabbath Day. Stay for as long as you like! The lighting of the Christ Candle at the beginning of worship reminds us that we are deliberately stepping into the presence of God. Come quiet your mind and soul,  light your candle and prepare to worship God.

Prelude is just the beginning of a day of worship. We hope you’ll also join us for a virtual church-wide communal gathering at 11AM (EDT) and spend time with a small group of other disciples nurturing your spiritual growth. Find more information about our rhythm of Sabbath here.

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