This coming Sunday marks the halfway point of the 2022 Lenten Season. With the help of the perspective and witness of Luke’s Gospel, we find ourselves steadily walking, dancing, and reluctantly shuffling our feet to Jerusalem.
Over these next few days, the staff is going to begin to share reflective prompts about unique moments/experiences we’re preparing for Holy Week. We’re going to be very purposeful in our planning and we pray each member of our church family will be purposeful in their participation. Please go ahead and put placeholders in your calendars. Specifics will be shared as clarity comes to those entrusted as guides on the journey…
Sunday, April 10: Palm Sunday
Calendar Placeholder: 9 a.m – 12:30 p.m.
Multiple generations are invited to gather early this morning to commemorate Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem. Like previous Palm Sundays at TBC, palm branches and walking in the neighborhood are “givens”.

Reflective prompt:
As we consider purpose and intentional walking, perhaps it’s time for us to “re-tradition” the palm parade? What might it look like for our congregation to creatively offer some form of meaningful blessing in the neighborhood? How might the moment provide an opportunity to connect more deeply with one another and the world around us? Are there sidewalks, beyond the rectangle surrounding the church building’s footprint, we are feeling called to explore together? The specifics will be shared as clarity comes to those planning/facilitating Holy Week events/services. Here’s what we know so far….
- April 14 Maundy Thursday: an immersive worship experience (evening)
- April 15 Good Friday: a somber and reflective worship service (7:00 PM)
- April 16 Easter Egg Hunt and Cookout (4:30 PM)
- April 17 Easter morning: (early breakfast and 11 am worship service)