Sabbath is the culmination of Creation. We set aside the Sabbath day for the purpose of holy rest, sacred connection, and life-giving worship.

Sabbath with Us
The day is shaped by freedom. We encourage you to set time aside for three unique movements: PRELUDE, communal GATHERING, and CIRCLES. Begin your day with a quiet, reflective time with God at the place and time of your choosing. Join us from 11 to 11:30AM (EDT) for a brief interactive service. Connect and experience spiritual growth in meaningful conversation and biblical study with a small group of people in a Tab Circle. To sign up for a Circle, click here.

More Opportunities
There are many ways to connect with us, on Sundays and beyond! You can find more information about our Sunday School classes, Bible Study groups, prayer gatherings, and discipleship series on our online calendar.

Sabbath: January 10
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Pause. Connect. Worship. Grow.

begin your day with one of these
ways to prepare your heart for worship

Option 2 – Reflective Reading

connect with God and the larger church family at 11AM

This week’s service is one of our special traditions: Remembrance of Baptism. We will reflect on baptism: our own, Jesus’, and the meaning of the practice. If you can, please join us at 11am on Livestream, followed by a Zoom meetup where we will be led by several people in remembrance of baptism.

Today’s Scriptures: Matthew 3:1-17, Luke 3:1-22
Post-Service Zoom
gather with others to nurture your soul

children’s corner
materials to nurture the spirituality of the littlest ones among us

Join us for Sunday School at 10AM

Sign up for resources: Please sign up if you would like to receive a resource packet for your kiddo. 24 spots available.
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