Although we still had snow this week, summer and Sterling’s sabbatical are right around the corner! Last summer, Tabernacle was awarded a Lily Foundation grant that provides for a three-month sabbatical for Sterling and a time of renewal for the church.  The theme for the sabbatical is “Coming Home for the Very First Time.” During the summer, Sterling will “come home” to his family for some much needed rest and rejuvenation. He will also “come home” to the Holy Land and to Burma – trips that will enrich and inform his ministry for years to come.  

While Sterling is gone, we at TBC will be having fun interpreting the sabbatical theme in worship each week and engage in enjoyable, meaningful theme-related renewal activities.  Decide which of the activities and dates below look interesting to you, and make plans to join us as we “come home” together.

“Come Home” with us for three church-wide Fellowship Opportunities:

  •  June 8th  Church-wide picnic –good food and fun activities for all ages
  • July 9th  Ice Cream social plus age-specific book discussions (children, youth, adult)
  • August 20th Movie night – The Wizard of Oz: popcorn plus conversation about “coming home”

“Come Home” with us for three Creative Arts Opportunities:

  • after worship on June 15th
  • after worship on July 13th
  • after worship on Aug. 3rd

Join us as local artist and minister Suzanne Stovall Vinson leads us in creating unique and versatile themed stoles and banners for worship.  We will also make some new Chrismons for our Christmas tree. Get to know new and longtime church members during these inter-generational creative arts sessions!


“Come Home” with us as we attend some home team sports events:

  • Baseball with The Richmond Flying Squirrels
  • Soccer with the Richmond Kickers.

We will buy a block of tickets for church members to use.  Stay tuned for dates and details.


Finally, as we move toward summer, please pray for the Severns Family and for TBC as we celebrate and prepare for this special season of our life as a church!

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