During our worship service this Sunday (June 9th), we invite you to choose an envelope from the display in the back of the sanctuary. You may choose more than one envelope, but everyone is encouraged to choose at least one. With these envelopes, we ask that you write a letter of encouragement to the young people going on different trips and camps this summer. Inside the envelope, you will find a short note with some instructions on what we hope you will include in the letter you write. 

There is a group of Tabernacle members going to Hungary next Friday, June 14, to help with a baseball camp. In the back of the sanctuary, you will find envelopes with the names of those going on this trip. We ask that if you pick up an envelope for someone going on the Hungary trip that you bring the envelope containing your letter to the church by this Wednesday, June 12th. This will ensure that these letters are sent with the group to be opened during their time in Hungary. 

The other envelopes contain the names of students going to camps such as Passport, Animate, Music Camp, and Clue Camp. Each envelope is labeled with the name of a student and the camp they are attending this summer. If you pick up an envelope for any of these camps, please return the envelope with your letter by next Sunday. This will ensure that each student receives the letter you write for them during their camp experience. 

These letters are meant to bring words of encouragement as our children, youth, and  adults spend their summers worshiping and experiencing the love of God. Thank you for your love and support for our young people as we enter a summer filled with excitement, possibilities, and spiritual opportunities.

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