Rebuilding the area behind the Fellowship Hall stage has begun!  Demolition is done and now the steel studs that will hold the dry wall for the new Ladies Room and several additional rooms are up.  We have obtained the electrical and plumbing permits from the city so that dry wall work can be finished.  You may have noticed the missing ceiling tiles in the Fellowship Hall.  Those will be reinstalled once the HVAC work has been inspected.  We are still on track to complete the basement area changes by the end of May.  These changes are important groundwork for our next phase of construction and support the various activities held in the Fellowship Hall that are integral to our church.

See the display in the basement area and on the TV monitor to refer to this list of changes in progress and the drawing that shows exactly where the changes are taking place.

In the near future the location of our gas meter will be moved.   Preparations for this utility work will include a notification to our congregation regarding the days when use of the Grove Avenue ramp entrance will be impacted.  Stay tuned for more information regarding this aspect of the current project.

We need your help to be certain that our church activities continue to flow smoothly in conjunction with our construction activities.   The Construction & Renovation Oversight Committee is coordinating the schedule with Kjellstrom & Lee and the church staff through our church calendar.  Please be certain that all church activities are listed on the church calendar so that we plan use of our space effectively.   If you have special requests for meeting space, direct that request to the church staff as soon as possible.

Be certain to use our God-Sized Vision mailbox located on the table in our Meadow Street entrance foyer to ask any questions that you might have.  Our committee members will respond to you quickly.  Also continue your prayers for our Construction & Renovation Oversight Committee leaders, as well as for work safety during construction.   Your prayers are an important component of the overall success of our endeavors!

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