A lot of progress has been made over the past month for our “Embracing a God-Sized Vision” efforts!  You will begin to see the results of those efforts very soon.   What has been happening behind the scenes to make construction and renovation happen?  Read on!!!

  1. We have secured the Building Permit for the Fellowship Hall/Basement Area changes.
    A final meeting with the city Safety Committee is scheduled for 3/23/15, and that is expected to be the last part of receiving approval from the city to proceed with our Phase 1 construction and renovation plans.  (See related article in this edition of the TAB.)
  2. Architectural Plans for the Sanctuary Level have been finalized.
    Plans have been reviewed with many of our church members.   An updated copy of the floorplans will be provided in the video update that you see on our new monitor in the Meadow Street foyer, as well as posted on the wall near that entrance.
  3. Architectural Plans for the demolition of the row houses and creation of the new addition/updates to the Williams building are in process of review.
    Nelson Melton, Chairman of the Construction & Renovation Committee, will review with Frances Mathews, Tabernacle Child Care Center Director, and the Children’s Ministry team revisions to original floorplans based on analyses completed by Huff-Morris.  Measurements as part of the architect’s analyses show some variances in the elevations between our various buildings (row houses, church building, and Williams Building).  Updated floorplans that correct for those elevation variations will be available for everyone to view in the next couple of weeks.  Look for an announcement soon for an opportunity to look at revised drawings and hear an explanation of the modifications made.
  4. Fundraising efforts continue, sending letters to Tabernacle Child Care Center current and some alumni parents.
    Letters inviting donations from current and alumni Tabernacle Child Care Center parents were mailed in early March.  Our recently published campaign brochure was included with each letter.  We will track results of the mailing in conjunction with our Financial Assistant and keep everyone posted on commitments and contributions received.

As a note, the Construction & Renovation Oversight Committee has considered over the past couple of months adding a full voting member to the Committee.  The Committee unanimously approved adding Donna Soyars to that role in their meeting held on March 19th.  Nelson Melton stated that Donna has been immensely important in conveying to our church congregation the activities of the Construction and Renovation Committee.

Do you have any suggestions to help the Committee as we move into the construction phase of the project?  We welcome your comments and questions on cards available on the campaign table located in the Meadow Street foyer.  Place your completed card in the Vision mailbox.  We invite you to communicate with any Committee member personally if that is your preference.

Look for an updated video presentation in the near future, along with ongoing updates in the TAB.  Your prayers are a blessing to TBC’s efforts.  God is showing the way for what is a demanding project for our church—we know His light will continue to guide us through each and every step!

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