Going Deeper: The Future Church

Associate Pastor Meg Lacy Vega and Pastoral Intern Spencer Law discuss the “future church” and how God is guiding us through our discernment process to see beyond what the church once was and currently is. This podcast is a supplement to Tabernacle’s ongoing discernment dialogue, exploring what God has in store for the little church at Grove and Meadow and also the universal Church. 

What do you think the “future church” looks like?

How can you bring your gifts and skills to the church as it changes?

What are ways the church can transform for the better?

What are essential elements of the church, and what is subject to change?

Where do we see hints of the “future church” in our little church at Grove and Meadow?

Comment below or add your thoughts to the Communal Journal.

Update: Nominating Committee Vote

Next Sunday, October 20, we will vote on recommendations for members of the Nominating Committee, who will nominate candidates for 2020 Officers, Deacons, and Committees, as well as an addendum about the Nominating Process. In preparation for that vote, we are releasing this podcast, which presents a few different perspectives. We hope that you will listen and give some thought to your options this week to inform your vote.

Our Officers, Deacons, and Committees help to manage all of the administration involved in the operation of a church, as well as leading us forward in Worship, Fellowship, Discipleship, and Mission as we grow and follow Jesus together. We are grateful for all of those who serve in these roles, and all of the ways each member of our TBC family adds to the life of our church. We value your input and participation as we work to steward all of our resources – including members’ time and talents – well.

Summer Stories: Camp Alkulana

This week we are continuing our summer podcast series with some stories from Camp Alkulana! We are grateful for all who contributed to help organize, fund, and pray for all of the groups who participated this summer, and we hope you enjoy hearing some updates. This series will be released on Tuesdays for the next few weeks.

Podcast: Introduction to Ecclesiastes

This fall, the Community Room Sunday school class and the Wednesday night Bible study group are studying the book of Ecclesiastes. If you missed our first session together, this 20 minute podcast will give you a quick introduction to the book. The Community Room class meets downstairs on Sunday mornings in the Community Room, from 9:45am to 10:45am. On Wednesday nights, the Adult Bible study meets in the Fellowship hall from 6 to 7pm. We hope to see you! Please contact Art Wright if you have any questions.