This summer, the youth have been busy with fun and engaging community activities.
Cookouts, camps, and daytrips have offered spaces for the youth and volunteers to come
together and get to know one another and share the fellowship of Church Family. There were three events that were scheduled but cancelled due to lack
of sign ups and one emergency. All other events have gone as scheduled, however!

Some highlights from the summer:

  • Sunday School is always a good way to be in community with one another and study
    God’s word. Andrew Sabatini and Sarah Smith led Youth Sunday School until July 1,
    when Inter-Generational Sunday School began. Tori Tyndall and JJ Vega helped lead
    Inter-Generational Sunday School in July.
  • Near the beginning of June, Andrew Sabatini took three youth to the DC Comic Con.
  • On June 2nd, Chris Nycum drove the Judy Van with seven adults and four youth for a
    work day at Camp Alkulana. Almost all of those who went would be returning to Alkulana later
    in the summer to be campers or counselors in training.
  • On June 15th, the Burgess family hosted an end of the school year cookout that was a
    big success. There were between 8 and 10 families in attendance as well as several
    people who volunteer with the Youth throughout the year.
  • On June 18th, Mark Snipes and Miriam Kennedy took 13 youth to the DC Zoo. Although
    it was an incredibly hot day, it was a wonderful time of community.
  • On July 24th there will be a youth community day where youth come together and
    work on a project to give to the incoming Youth Minister Brock Hogan.

The three main events of the summer are camps! From June 25th-29th Judy Fiske, Marty Watkin,
and Miriam Kennedy took 5 youth to Animate Worship Arts camp at Samford University in
Birmingham, Alabama. The students took toolbox classes and spent time with their small
groups and ended their time by planning a 15-minute worship service in one afternoon. Music and
Worship Arts Camp at Eagle Eyrie July 16th-20th had a great turnout with 28 Adults, youth,
and children. There they took different music and art classes and participated and led in
worship! On July 28th, 11 Youth and adults will head to Metro Baptist Church in New York
City to run Clue Camp. They will be there until August 4th leading children in a week of fun!

Thank You!
All of these camps and day trips and events would not be possible without volunteers and
leaders. Thank you so much to Judy Fiske, Marty Watkin, Sarah Smith, Andrew Sabatini,
SaraAnne Burgess, John Burgess, Bonnie Bailey, Kathy, McGraw, Peggy Strong, Tori Tyndall,
JJ Vega, Mark Snipes, Emily White, Hope Nycum, Chris Nycum, David Gorman, and many
others! Also, a huge thank you to parents and friends who help get youth to church and
events, you are greatly appreciated as well!

Miriam Kennedy

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