2014 found the Kitchen Team hard at work in the area of the church it carries in its name.  Amazingly many of the same people on this team find themselves in other areas of the church serving as well!  The Kitchen Team coordinates the Fellowship Meals on Wednesday nights during the program season of the church year—September-May.  The team also helps to coordinate receptions, meals for special events such as business meetings and Fan Feast and the cleaning and care of the kitchen and eating areas of the Fellowship Hall.  The members of this team serve faithfully each week to make sure that meals are served that both taste good and are affordable.  Bonnie Bailey, Priscilla Kinchen, Gerry Spiller, Peggy Strong and Linda and Jack White have served as the mainstays of this committee for several years.  Anita McCarty has served each Wednesday evening as our “cashier.”  This ministry is both budgeted and supported by the payments for meals each Wednesday.  It has been a great help to have the “Square” available each week to help Anita as she takes payments.  We work hard to stay within the budget.

The kitchen is seeing a large increase in use as our International congregations often have meals after their events.  Tabernacle Child Care Center uses it each weekday to prepare the meals for their children and staff.  Groups that stay in the building sometimes prepare their meals in the kitchen.  We are often cooking in shifts, cleaning as we go so that the next group can prepare for their event.  The equipment and space are well used.   We are blessed to have a great kitchen and serving space—you should come volunteer to serve on the kitchen team!  We don’t have a lot of meeting, but are likely to be together cooking and cleaning.

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