There is a small and unclaimed window of time on Sunday mornings that I’ve come to treasure. It is a moment that lasts only about fifteen minutes or so; it begins right around 10:45 a.m. and ends with the chiming of the worship hour. Our little church family converges in the Sanctuary and also in various corridors throughout the church house. The energy builds with each passing handshake or hug. The laughter increases as our children are released from their Sunday School Classes. It is unstructured time. It is sacred time. 

Last Sunday, a group of about fifteen of us were gathered in the old church parlor quietly and deliberately praying for Rob and Amanda, on the eve their last day in the United States. Some of the bell choir members were sitting in the back of the Sanctuary writing encouraging notes to our children and youth as they prepared to leave for music camp the following morning. A group of VBS leaders were herding 30+ children in the fellowship hall in preparation for their leadership in worship. Our friends from Buena Vista Baptist Church joined the effort with enthusiasm and energy. It was an especially impressive feat as each of them, alongside many other tbc adults, spent the entire week pouring out love, and energy, upon the littlest among us. Simultaneously, a group of us gathered around Art, Beth, and Graham in the middle of the Sanctuary. The reunion was a gift. It was so good to have them home for a weekend. We expressed gratitude for their ministry at Alkulana and prayers for renewed energy as they prepared to begin again.

Last Sunday, I couldn’t help but to sense God walking around the hallways of the church, binding us together, nudging us towards hospitality, and building up the community. The Spirit of God continues to remind us of the gift we have in one another and also points us to look beyond ourselves. I can’t help but to feel grateful and I can’t help but to wonder what God will do in this in-between time, this period between the bookends of the sabbath day. I look forward to hearing the story…….

Yours in Christ,

Sterling W. Severns

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