Please make every effort to attend our church quarterly business meeting on Sunday, July 19th.  One of the agenda items for that meeting is an update from the Construction & Renovation Committee.  Nelson Melton and Bill Welstead will provide highlights of findings in the analyses of the Williams Building structure and city code requirements that apply to architectural drawings for our renovation plans, as well as an update about demolition permits for the row houses.  You will also hear a summary of where we stand in our fundraising campaign in their presentation.

The Construction & Renovation Committee wants to ensure that the Tabernacle congregation is aware of the information being used to make decisions as we move towards our next phases of construction.  We also want to keep our members updated regarding the cost of what is being planned, including our efforts towards cost containment.  Your attendance at meetings such as the church business meeting is key to our success in keeping you informed.  We sincerely appreciate your interest and your participation in this vital project!

We look forward to seeing you on the 19th!

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