This past year has been a year of tremendous growth and relationship building for our youth! Here are a few of the highlights from the 2014 year.

* We continued with our Wednesday night D Groups as our middle and high school students gather in smaller groups to discuss the upcoming Sunday’s scripture passage with leadership from Mark Snipes and Kate Ayers (middle school) and Emily White and Julie Sisson (high school).

* Sunday School continues to be a time of fellowship, music and discussion led by David Wolf

* The youth gathered together for a Disciple Now weekend in May where they talked about identity and being rooted in Christ. Thank you to the Hoffpauirs and the Hartmans for opening up their homes again for our youth to stay overnight.

* This summer, 3 adults and 11 youth experienced a new camp called UniDiversity where they participated in bible study, seminars, electives, worship, and games. The theme for the week was “Everyone is… Is Everyone…?” Our group got to explore different ways that they are broken, forgiven, invited and powerful and how they can be vulnerable, accepted, welcome, and responsible.

* We also had youth that participated in the VA Baptist All-State Choir and the VA Baptist Music and Worship Arts Camp

* The group has gathered together for fellowship events like a trip to the river, a trip to Turner Smith’s river house and the Welstead’s house, gathering together on Halloween, and cheering each other on in various sports and extra-curricular activities.

* We have also enjoyed having our youth lead on many occasions in worship by reading or singing. We learned a song in the Kachin language and were able to share this in worship!

We look forward to seeing how our youth learn about themselves and grow into the people God formed them to be as we continue to live in a time filled with vibrant and life-giving ministry.

Youth Team: Julie Gaines, Kristen Koger, Sterling Severns, Emily White, David Wolf

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