March 2nd is the launch date for our next project to update the Williams Building—installing air conditioning for the 2nd floor.  On that Saturday, the old unit will be removed.  You can already see the dust barrier strategically placed as you enter the 2nd floor from the main stairwell.  You will not be able to access the 2nd floor from the main stairwell on that day, so use the “back” stairs if you need access to that area this Saturday.

Following the demolition of the old unit, there will be some electrical work completed and masonry work to close off the doorway to the row house before the new air conditioning units are put into place.  That means that the dust barrier will likely be in place for at least three weeks. We will make every effort to keep you informed for exact dates of when these various work activities will be done. Please be aware that this work is in progress, and you may need to adjust your usual entry and exit path for the 2nd floor only.

Also during March we are planning to begin improvements for the bathrooms on the 1st floor of the Williams Building.  We promise to keep one of the two bathrooms operational at all times.  Please look for signs to direct you if one of the bathrooms is out of use while the installation of new sinks and some painting are being done.  You may also notice some painting in progress for our TCCC Walker Room. Again, we will provide more exact dates for the 1st floor improvements as those time periods are determined.

We have requested that this type of work not be done on Wednesday evenings and not on Sundays so that we minimize any conflict with usual church events.  We are trying our best to keep from interrupting our ministry efforts while we make these significant improvements to our Williams Building facility.

Thank you in advance for your patience and understanding.  Please direct any questions to Donna or Jim Soyars.


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