The Board of Deacons for 2018 has met regularly throughout the year. This year the deacons continued to meet during the summer months in part because there were ongoing matters that needed the attention and action of the deacons. The final quarterly report for 2018 is included in the Appendix. For the purposes of this Annual Report allow me to highlight several significant matters with which the deacons dealt this year. Further details of deacon activities can be found in the quarterly reports.

  • The deacons agreed to focus on four “big picture” areas during the year: 1) marriage process; 2) Race relations; 3) Missional focus; 4) Relationship with our Burmese groups. The deacons tackled items 1 and 2 diligently, however, we did not do as well on items 3 and 4. These still need our attention, hopefully in the year to come. A Marriage Covenant/Process has been approved by the deacons for presentation to the congregation.
  • The deacons approved the hiring of Hope Nycum as Hunger Ministry Director, Hogan Brock as Youth Minister, and Jerusha Moses as Minister of Children and Families. We unanimously affirmed Jacque Brown Green for ordination to the gospel ministry.
  • Amanda Pohl volunteered to work with Woody Jenkins on reviewing the ministerial evaluation process and providing for model for use throughout Tabernacle. Significant progress has been made, although there is still much more work to be done. This will be a priority in the upcoming year.
  • After careful consideration of a proposed re-visioning of the deacon ministry structure, the deacons decided to move forward with implementation of this proposal on a trial basis in 2019.

On a personal note, I have been fortunate to have had this body of deacons with whom to serve this year. I cannot express adequately how thankful I am for their dedication and support throughout the year. I want to express special thanks to Laura Jones for serving as our secretary/treasurer for much of the year, to Alicia Phillips for stepping in to be our recording secretary, and to Katye Snipes for her faithful and devoted attention to her tasks and for filling in for me when I was away.

In Christ,
Woody Jenkins
Tabernacle Deacon Chair

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