We have many important items to discuss at our business meeting! Please join us to vote on the Personnel Manual, hear recommendations about urgent and future staffing, and discuss the direction our congregation is heading.
Final Q&A Session for Personnel Manual
The updated Manual was approved by both the Administrative Board and Board of Deacons, and there were two listening sessions provided for Q&A just prior to the start of the pandemic. This session is to bring your final questions and concerns to the table before we vote on this manual on May 16.
Final Q&A Session for Personnel Manual
Wednesday, May 12 6pm on Zoom
Zoom Link
Meeting ID: 889 9093 1363
Passcode: 324191
Join on Mobile: +16468769923,,88990931363#
May 16 Business Meeting
At 2pm on Sunday, May 16 we will hold an important business meeting. This meeting will be a hybrid of online and in-person. Please RSVP if you plan to join us in person, as we’re observing our safety protocol whenever we enter the building.
To prepare for this meeting, please consider watching the first parts of the series New Life, posted below.
We will be voting on the Personnel Manual and the Quarterly Report in this meeting.
Business Meeting
Sunday, May 16 2pm on Zoom and in person
Zoom Link
Meeting ID: 879 5769 3945
Passcode: 247910
Join on Mobile: +16465588656,,87957693945#,,,,*247910#
New Life, New Beginnings Series
These videos provide some background for the new season we as a church are entering into. Pastor Sterling will reference these messages in the business meeting as we discuss moving forward as a congregation into a season celebrating new life.