This is the first week of our five-week series “On Death and Dying,” our 2016 Wednesday night Adult series during Lent. Our session this week includes an introduction to the series, some assumptions that we have in talking about death, and some big questions that we will be asking in this series. We’re making these podcasts available if you are unable to join us on Wednesday nights in the fellowship hall.

Questions for Discussion this Week:

  • What is your earliest memory of death?
  • How did you understand death as a young child?
  • How did your family talk about and respond to death?
  • Do you have any positive experiences with death? What made it a positive experience?
  • Do you have any negative experiences with death that you feel comfortable sharing?
  • Assumptions about death and dying?
  • Why do you think it’s so hard to talk about death?
  • What do you think it’s going to be like to be dead?



Series Overview and Schedule

“Dying is the most general human event, something we all have to do. But do we do it well? Is our death more than an unavoidable fate that we simply wish would not be there? Can it somehow become an act of fulfillment, perhaps more human than any other human act?” (Henri Nouwen). Join us for this special five-week Lenten series in the Fellowship Hall from 6:30 to 7:30pm on Wednesday evenings after the fellowship dinner. Led by Jeff and Julie Walton and Art Wright, this series will explore practical and theological aspects of what it means for us to prepare for a good death. Please contact Art Wright ( if you have any questions.

Week 1 (Feb 17) – Introduction, Big Questions
Week 2 (Feb 24) – The Dying Process, How to Prepare Well for Death
Week 3 (March 2) – After Death, Funerals
Week 4 (March 9) – Grieving

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