The Personnel Committee has been working on several projects since April. The priority
this quarter was to find help with coverage for the temporary communications coordinator
vacancy until a permanent new hire was installed. The Personnel Committee extends a huge
debt of gratitude and thank you to Jacque Green and Terry McMahon for their outstanding
commitment and devotion to covering that position during the interim period. 
Dean Phillips stepped in to assist as well.

The Personnel Committee, along with the Pastoral Staff, created a sub-committee to work on
the hiring process for the vacancy. This team consisted of Linda Harlow and Mary-Curtis
Powell. Linda and Mary-Curtis’s contributions have been invaluable. Final interviews were
conducted with two candidates by Bill Welstead, Meg Lacy, Joshua Ballew and Sterling
Severns. Hope Cutchins was selected, approved by the Administrative Board, and voted
into the position by the church on June 22nd.

The committee continues to work on revising the Personnel Policy Manual.

Bill Welstead, III

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