This blog entry is the first in a sequence of communications that you, as part of the TCCC and TBC families, will receive to keep you updated regarding actions being taken to help make Frances Thrift’s transition to retirement as smooth as possible.  Your support and trust during this time of change are greatly appreciated. . We want to share current information routinely to help answer any questions that you might have.  Below are some questions that we believe you may have and the most current answers to those questions. 

  1. What progress is being made in creating a Search Committee for the Director position?
    We have identified essential roles that we are filling for the Search Committee in order to provide the expertise and balance that we believe will be most helpful in finding the person who is the right fit for the TCCC Director position. Because of the important church-TCCC partnership, our goal is for the Search Committee to include an appropriate balance of church members, teachers, and TCCC parents, with access to key experts/consultants to draw upon as needed.  All seven individuals have confirmed their willingness to fill the specific roles, and we expect the Tabernacle Baptist Church Board of Deacons to quickly approve the candidates so that Committee members can officially launch their work.  When the Search Committee members have been confirmed and their orientation has been completed, we will send another communication to you that provides an update on their work as it begins.
  2. What qualifications do you expect the new TCCC Director to have?
    The specifics of qualifications will be outlined in the finalized job description for this position. A job description draft—developed with the input of the TCCC Ministry and Administrative Committees, comprised of church members and TCCC parents—will be given to the Search Committee as they begin their efforts, understanding that additional input from parents, staff, and church will be considered prior to publishing a completed job description and job opening statement.  The intent is to have the Search Committee use a survey or other method of choice to gather the perspectives of key stakeholders regarding qualifications, the future of TCCC , and other key topics as Pastor Sterling Severns referenced in the June parent Question & Answer session.  [ ]
  3. When will you fill the Assistant Director position?
    We expect to fill the TCCC Director position first and then fill the TCCC Assistant Director position, hoping to give the new Center Director an opportunity to have input in the selection of the Assistant Director. Therefore, efforts are focused on initiating the search for the TCCC Director at this point in time.  We will keep you posted on all efforts towards filling both positions.  Frances feels comfortable at this time that she has the support of individuals on her staff who are managing tasks that an assistant would usually complete.    

Donna Soyars, lead of the TCCC Ministry Committee, and Kathy Allen, lead for the TCCC Administrative Committee, are managing the preparatory steps in creating the Search Committee and completing other initial tasks in this process.  They will not be voting members of the Search Committee, yet will serve as ex officio members to be available to assist as needed in this transition.  Please email them at any time with your questions or input.  We are fully committed to continuous communication and coordination between TCCC and the church throughout this process.

Again, we value your trust and support as we look to the future of TCCC.  We sincerely hope that you and your families are enjoying a blessed summer! 

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