Construction and renovation in our Basement/Fellowship Hall area remains on target for completion in late May or early June.  Dry wall is up, plumbing lines and mounts have been installed, and duct work is near completion.  There are a couple of significant construction activities for you to be aware of this week:

  • Kjellstrom & Lee, General Contractor, expects to have a crane on site on Wednesday, May 20th to place the new HVAC compressor on the roof.  The steel support has already been installed to make this move in compressor location possible.
  • By Friday, May 22nd, we expect that all of the ceiling tiles will be reinstalled in the Fellowship Hall area.   We will literally see how much progress is being made when that part of the job is finished!

Be certain to use our God-Sized Vision mailbox located on the table in our Meadow Street entrance foyer to ask any questions that you might have.  Our committee members will respond to you quickly.  Also continue your prayers for our Construction & Renovation Oversight Committee leaders, as well as for work safety during construction.   Your prayers are an important component of the overall success of our endeavors!

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